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Analisis peranan industri asuransi dalam bencana alam gempa bumi dan tsunami di nanggroe aceh darussalam tahun 2004 dari sektor perumahan ( Rumah tinggal )
This paper discusses about the role of insurance industry in natural disasters of earthquake and tsunami in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) in 2004 from the housing sector (dwelling house). Based on the data obtained, the housing sector (dwelling house) is one of all sector that suffered the greatest losses. So that the research was conducted with the aim to provide solutions to the financial burden borne by the goverment due to losses of natural disasters of earthquake and tsunami in Aceh in 2004 ago by doing the risk-sharing with the insurance industry. This study uses qualitative research methods and data collection techniques used to conduct the research literature (Library Research). The results obtained suggest that governments need to include the role of insurance in tackling the risk of earthquake and tsunami in Aceh to buy earthquake insurance to ease the burden of costs that need to be issued by the government in the reconstruction and rehabilitation of Aceh.
Siti Rizki Fariza - Personal Name
SK 312 SIT a
Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Asuransi Trisakti