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Analisis pendapatan premi bruto terhadap biaya klaim netto asuransi kendaraan bermotor di PT. Asuransi Intra Asia

This thesis discusses the analysis of gross premium income of net claim cost of motor vehicle insurance in PT Asuransi Intra Asia. Where the purpose of research to know the relationship and influence between the gross premium income to net claims cost, as well as see how many claims have happened if the terms of the price of coverage, year of vehicle, and vehicle type (sedans, jeeps and minibuses). The method of research is quantitative by performing statistical testing is the using Correlation Analysis and Regression Analysis of gross premium income and net claim cost. The authors used data sources in research is secondary data. These results prove that there is a negative relationship with classified "strong enough" between the gross premium income and net claim cost but the relationship is statistically insignificant or no effect. Regression analysis obtained from the linear equation Net Claim (Y) = 13,658.284 – 0.309 Gross Premium (X). In Data Analysis Descriptive obtained the greatest number of claims frequency and claims that often occurs in the class price of the insured 0 – Rp. 100,000,000.00 and Rp. 101,000,000.00 – Rp. 200,000,000.00, year vehicles 1997, 2004, 2005, 2006 and others minibus type. This study suggests that companies should further improve the facilities and good service to all customers or clients, as well as an evaluation for an underwriter to analyze the risks carefully and wisely in terms of both physical hazard or moral hazard.
Ary Lingga Pradana - Personal Name
SK 313 ARY a
Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Asuransi Trisakti