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Analisis strategi pemasaran guna meningkatkan pendapatan premi asuransi pengangkutan barang pada PT. Asuransi Umum Videi
Insurance business in Indonesia grow and develop very rapidly both in general insurance, life insurance and sharia insurance. To enter the market and fighting over the existing market share, PT Videi General Insurance should be able to compete with other insurance companies. Marketing concept aims to give satisfaction to the desires and needs of the market. In carrying out all functions, it needs to use a management technique called strategy marketing techniques. Important elements in marketing strategies are to determine market segmentation, target market, and market position to go to, where market segmentation is to divide the market into groups of buyers who are distinguished according to the needs, characteristics that may require different products. After evaluating the existing market segments, companies must define the target market. Market position is determined after deciding the market segment that wanted to go. To minimize the obstacles that will happen at some point, companies should analyze the company's internal and external factors. The analysis used is the SWOT analysis, namely to strengthen the internal factors that have to cope with any external factors. Giving weight of point on the internal and external factors is used to determine whether strategies that have been executed at this moment have been effective or not, and it can determine the condition of the company as a whole, to face internal and external factors.
Siti Dhea Rendry Oetari - Personal Name
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Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Asuransi Trisakti