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Analisis pengaruh loan to deposit ratio ( LDR ) dan biaya operasional terhadap pendapatan operasional ( BOPO ) terhadap return on asset ( ROA ) pada Bank Rakyat Indonesia tahun 2009-2010 per triwulan
Banking companies need sufficient working capital so it must have a good source of funding. It encourages companies to anticipate the needs of working capital in order to increase the value of bank assets or fluency in determining the level of demand for the amount of working capital, due to sufficient working capital allows companies to operate with as economical as possible. Banking financial performance can be seen from several financial indicators such as the CAR (capital adequacy ratio) which is the adequacy of compliance with KPMM ( kewajiban penyediaan modal minimum) according to applicable regulations, BOPO as an indicator of banking rentabilitas in the form of operational costs and operating income of the bank. LDR (loan to deposit ratio) to show indicators of banking liquidity. Including ROA (return on assets) and NIM (net interest margin).
Noldy Steven Siwi - Personal Name
SK 334 NOL a
Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Asuransi Trisakti