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Analisis Profil Risiko Perusahaan Pengguna Jasa Pialang Asuransi

To describe the Company's risk profile User Services Insurance Brokerage. To recommend measures appropriate risk management for corporate users of insurance brokerage services, descriptive method qualitative approach, the authors of the study describe the risks are the company of a client to the next can be made on Risk Management. The findings of the research based on the results of questionnaires that have been distributed, the data can be categorized into the following: Manufacturing, Trade and Service Company Company. That the main risks are inherent in any type of business of each company is relatively the same, for the risk is the risk of losing their manufacturing assets and building installations, the risk of production failure and the risk of third party claims. for trade is a risk of losing their building assets, the risk of failure to send, Personal Accident risk and risk of third party claims. And the risk of losing assets to service the building, the risk of failing to production, the risk of failed projects, personal accident risks, the risk of third party claims, the risk of electronic devices and databases. To recommend appropriate risk management program despite the same type of business can not be a single risk management program that applies to all firms, and the recommendations made by kebutuh size and location of the company's business.
Mohammad Suroso - Personal Name
SK 370 MOH a
Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Asuransi Trisakti
110 hlm.; 30 cm