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Pengaruh perolehan premi asuransi kendaraan bermotor terhadap pendapatan premi bruto pada PT. Asuransi Nipponkoa Indonesia Cabang Jakarta Periode 2004-2007

Currently motor vehicle insurance is one of line insurance program that is growing rapidly among the other line of business in general insurance, and has attracted the interest of the community to insured. Therefore the author would like to prove the existence of the effect the acquisition motor vehicle insurance premiums to gross premiums on Permata Nipponkoa Indonesia insurance companies Jakarta’s branch. The author will describe how is the effect of motor vehicle insurance in financial stability of PT. Permata Nipponkoa Indonesia Insurance, Jakarta’s branch. This research was conducted using the method of Simple Linear Regression Analysis, Analysis of correlation coefficients, and analysis of the correlation coefficient of determination using SPSS program. With SPSS program, it can help author find the answer of the question of this essay and author can find the fix result from by using this program. From the results obtained proved that motor insurance premiums are not affect the overall gross premium, but the premium for motor vehicle insurance is very clearly has a positive relationship with overall gross premiums in PT. Permata Nipponkoa Insurance Indonesia Jakarta’s branch period 2004-2007. It can be concluded taht the acquisition of motor vahicles insurance premiums on PT. Permata Nipponkoa Indonesia insurance Jakarta’s branch are not very influential in the company’s financial stability.
Adrianus Raditya F. - Personal Name
SK 386 ADR p
Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Asuransi Trisakti