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Analisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi loyalitas nasabah di tinjau dari penyelesaian klaim kendaraan bermotor pada PT Asuransi Bosowa Periskop cabang khusus

The objective of this research is to test costumers satisfaction based on claim insurance
process and to keep their loyality to the company it self PT ABP Cabang Khusus. This
research was held in PT ABP Cabang Khusus with total 5 correspondence, who have been a
costumers for his company. The good claim process has an effect to costumers satisfaction,
everthough in reality, there are some costumers are not satisfied of PT ABP Cabang Khusus
Claim Process. The good claim process has an effect to costumers satisfaction. Everthought
in reality, there are some costumers are not satisfied of PT ABP Cabang Khusus claim
process. In this case PT ABP Cabang Khusus has evaluated their weaknesses especially on
claim process for customers and others costumers issue this evaluation will improve
customers satisfaction by faster this process of car claim, efficient time during process and
etc. In future PT ABP Cabang Khusus will be a better company and have many loyal
costumers as long as they willling to improve this performance.

Gerry Saputra - Personal Name
SK 428 GER a
Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Asuransi Trisakti
xiii, 82 hlm;24 cm