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Analisis pengaruh kualitas pelayanan penanganan bermotor terhadap loyalitas nasabah di PT Asuransi Central Asia cabang Bogor Jawa Barat
Nowadays, the competition in insurance industry has significantly increased. This requires insurance company has to distinguish and repositioning itself with competitors. The difference can be seen from how an insurance company providing customers with better and high quality in service, specificaly when customers lodge their claim. This is because of claim department is the essence of an insurance company. Thus, through better service quality, can establish customers loyalty, in which that customers loyalty is a valuable asset in long-term for the company.
This research is conducted to understand how the service quality in handling motor vehicle insurance's partial loss claim affect towards the customers loyalty at PT Asuransi Central Asia on Bogor branch West Java. The data was collected by giving questioners to 100 respondents whom have lodged their motor vehicle insurance's partial loss claim at PT Asuransi Central Asia on Bogor branch West Java since February until April 2014. Two variables are used in this research, which (X) represents of the service quality in handling motor vehicle insurance's partial loss claim and (Y) represents customers loyalty. Purposive sampling is a technique sampling used in this research. Furthermore, the data collected is being analysed through one of computer data analysis program, known as SPSS 20.0.
The result of this research found that the service quality in handling motor vehicle insurance's partial loss claim given by claim officer at PT Asuransi Central Asia on Bogor branch West Java has influence towards customers loyalty. This can be seen from the result of hypothesis conducted that thitung 6,312 is greater than ttable 1,984 thus it rejected HO and accepted H1 means that there is an influence of service quality in handling motor vehicle insurance's partial loss claim towards customers loyalty.
Arwinda Rachma Putri - Personal Name
SK 423 ARW a
Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Asuransi Trisakti
xiv, 142 hlm; 24 cm