Detail Cantuman Kembali


Implementasi Manajemen Risiko di PT Asabri (Persero)

The aim of this qualitative research is to examine the implementation and the
suitability between the risk management implementation and the regulation of the Minister of
BUMN Permen Nomor :Per-01/MBU/2011 about Penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang
Baik (Good Corporate Governance). This research focuses onhow PT ASABRI
(PERSERO)implements risk management and the obedience of PT ASABRI (Persero) to the
regulation.PT ASABRI (PERSERO)is a compulsory insurance company, which provides life
insurance service for TNI, Polri dan PNS Kemhan and Polri. The purpose of this research is
to conceive the commitment of PT ASABRI (PERSERO)inimplementing risk management and
the obedience of PT ASABRI (PERSERO) to the Minister Regulation.
This research uses a case study approach in PT ASABRI (PERSERO). This research
uses theresult of interview process with several informants and company’s documentanalysis
as the data. The informants of this research isRisk Management unit ofPT ASABRI
(PERSERO). Those datawere gained by having an interview process and direct observation
The result of this research shows the risk managementimplementation in PT ASABRI
(PERSERO)adopt ISO 31000 standard. PT ASABRI (PERSERO)implementing a series of
process of identifying risk, analyzing risk, riskcontrol, risk treatment, and monitoring and
review. Improvement in monitoring and review may need, in order to ensure whether the risk
treatments were implemented. The implementation of risk management in PT ASABRI
(Persero) also suitable to the Minister Regulation. PT ASABRI (Persero) have fulfilled the
Minister Regulation Standard of Risk Management
Nurul Dianisa - Personal Name
SK 412 NUR i
Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Asuransi Trisakti
xi, 92 hlm; 30 cm