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Analisis Pengaruh Besarnya Pendapatan dan Beban Underwriting terhadap Laba Usaha pada Produk Asuransi Property All Risks PT. Tugu Pratama Indonesia Periode 2006 - 2010
This thesis aims to analyse the influence of the magnitude of the revenue and underwriting expenses to operating income on Property All Risks Insurance product PT. Tugu Pratama Indonesia which is the national private companies engaged in the General Insurance.
This thesis using the financial statements of PT. Tugu Pratama Indonesia in 2006-2010. Methods of analysis used in this study between the analysis of regression, the method of least squares, analysis of multiple correlation, coefficient determination and the hypothesis by using t-test.
Multiple correlation analysis of obtained results of correlation of 0.94 then stated that the influence of the magnitude of the income and expenses of the underwriting business profit is very strong and positive and has an influence which is proportional. The influence of proportional here means that if an increase in underwriting income and expenses, operating income would have increased, and in case of a decrease in revenue and underwriting burden, it will be followed by a decrease in operating income.
Angger Siwi Pratama - Personal Name
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