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Analisis Proses Administrasi dan Pelayanan Nasabah Produk Unit Link pada Departemen Policy Holder Services PT A.J Central Asia Raya
The background of this research is to know how the importance of analysis of administrative process and services performed by Policy Holder Services Department for their client or insured. As we know, today almost the Insurance Company will provide the best services for their customers, so the insurance
companies have to compete for giving the best services.
The purpose of this research is to knowing how work pratices at Life Insurance Companies especially on Policy Holder Services Departement and to finding out the problems or cases that occurred in proses.
Data of this research are used from the Literatures and the result of work practices on PT. A.J . Central Asia Raya, as the one of the biggest Insurance company in Indonesia.
The research finds that Policy holder services on PT. A.J Central Asia Raya has their function and responsibility of each administrative and transactions after the policy issued. This department will report to their customer when the transaction has been done such as withdrawal and additional funding.
Fery Ferdinata - Personal Name
TA 164 FER a
Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Asuransi Trisakti