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Analisis Produk ASPAN kapal terhadap hasil underwriting asuransi rangka kapal di PT Asuransi Purna Artha Nugraha

Marine hull insurance is a product of General Insurance Business. Almost all the general insurance company have this product. Indonesia is a big maritime country which becoming a good challenge for marine hull insurance business. PT Asuransi Purna Artanugraha has committed to becoming big company handling marine hull insurance. They started to penetrate marine market since 2004with special product “ Aspan Kapal”. With their distinctions of product, “Aspan kapal” has carried PT Aspan to become 3 bigger of marine hull insurance company in Indonesia. The eminency of this product is having a big capacity since Aspan applied Marine Excess Of Loss (MXOL). They could absorb up to USD 2 million any one risk.
The study to analyze correlation of “Aspan Kapal” product against their premium income and underwriting result. As known, increasing premium not always followed by good underwriting result. Aspan has noted itself as good premium income from Info Bank Magazines consecutive in 10 years. We are able to identify about premium income and underwriting result from year 2004 up to 2008. In general underwriting result is positive significantly.
The conclusion from this analysis find out that there are significant correlation between premium income coming from selling product of “Aspan Kapal” against underwriting result of marine hull business. The keys is the big number of risk has been reached by this product to get positive of underwriting result. “Aspan Kapal” shall be maintained comprehensively to increase their quality. Trust this product shall carry PT Asuransi Purna Artanugraha to be a big company of general insurance special to underwrite Marine Hull Business.

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