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Analisis hubungan antara kualitas pelayanan bagian pemasaran dengan kepuasan nasabah dalam layanan penutupan dan klaim asuransi property all di divisi pengembangan bisnis II PT Asuransi Central Asia

The purpose of this study is to find out the correlation between the
marketing service quality and customer satisfaction both in insurance application
and claim service of property all risk insurance as seen in Business Development
Division II of PT. Asuransi Central Asia (ACA).
The writer conducts the research using survey method of data sampling
using questionnaires. The subjects of this study are 100 customers of PT. ACA.
The instruments used to measure the marketing service quality are rereliability,
responsiveness, tangibles, competence, and courtesy. The instruments to measure
customer satisfaction are product quality, price, simplicity, emotional factor, and
service quality. The writer analyzes the data by employing product moment
analysis correlation and simple segregation with the significance rate of 5%.
The analysis shows that the correlation coefficient is 0.720, proving that
there is a strong relationship between marketing service quality and customer
satisfaction. Significance test shows that mathematical operation t (9.91) > table t
(2.365), which is another evidence that there is a significant connection between
marketing service quality and customer satisfaction. The score of service quality
is 392.4, from which the writer draws a conclusion that the marketing service
quality of PT. ACA is considerably good. The score of customer satisfaction is
402.1 and it shows a good sign of customer satisfaction. The regression test
results Y=11.735 + 0,726X linear equation.
Salis Supriyani - Personal Name
SK 453 SAL a
Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Asuransi Trisakti