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Proses Klaim Divisi ASC (Administration Service Claim) di PT A.J. Central Asia Raya

This practice reports aimed to obtain information about the claims process in the Central Asian PT.AJ are valid or invalid , and can be justified by the report the truth . Practice field is a field in which the claim we know that the insurance claim is a formal request to the insurance company to demand payment under the terms of the agreement . It can be influenced by claims that : 1) Gain company 2) Public confidence 3) Insurance Costs 4) Availability of insurance products . Later liability claims : 1) Pay valid claims quickly and appropriately to those entitled to receive 2) Maintain public confidence in the fraud and improper claims 3) Always give the information to the recipient " benefits " of the development of the settlement of claims being processed 4) Establish requirements that need to be completed without unnecessary delay 5) easy to contact and responsive to the " beneficiaries " 6) be fair , honest , objective and thoughtful 7) Delivering claims decisions and communicate in a clear, convincing and acceptable to the " recipient benefits " in a polite way 8) Always follow the development of knowledge and improve skills.
Farida - Personal Name
TA 192 FAR p
Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Asuransi Trisakti
xv; 48 hlm