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Proses Administrasi pada Operation Life Reinsurance Division PT Maskapai Reasuransi Indonesia Tbk

Administrative process is an activity that can not be separated from the company's performance to improve quality, It is not only in Life Operation Division, but also in other divisions as well, considering the necessity of supporting staff in the company work system. Administrative process is not only in the reinsurance companies but also in the insurance companies and other companies. Reinsurance is insurance that is purchased by an insurance company (the"ceding company" or "cedant" or "cedent"
under the arrangement) from one or more other insurance companies (the "reinsurer") as a means of risk management, sometimes in practice including tax mitigation and other reasons described below. Insurance is an agreement between two or more parties, where the insurance companies committed themselves to the insured, by accepting the insurance premiums, to provide reimbursement to the
insured for loss, damage or loss of expected benefits or legal liability third party which may be suffered by the insured, arising from an uncertain events, or provide a payment based on the death or life of an insured person.

Diah Dwi Novianti - Personal Name
TA 199 DIA p
Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Asuransi Trisakti
xiv; 43 hlm