Detail Cantuman Kembali


Analisis Proses Evaluasi Penerapan Tarif Premi Pada Lini Usaha Asuransi Kendaraan Bermotor di PT Lippo General Insurance TBK

Product marketing competition at the centre of business insurance particularly in motor vehicle insurance business line more stringent, so many insurance companies that override the principle of good and prudent underwriting by setting the premium level or low enough contribution to compete
in the market in order to get business to improve profit margin in the company. It is not in accordance with the principle of healthy business insurance where the level of premium or contribution is set sufficiently, not excessive and discriminative.

Along with the rapid expansion of demand and supply of insurance in Indonesia, then the regulator issued a regulation condition about the determination of regulate premium rate that set in circular number: SE- 06/D.05/2013 for insurance assets and vehicles business line. To prevent the parties who establish the levy regulation premium rate that do not correspond to the closing acceptances motor vehicle insurance business line, hence compliance officer will conduct checks on the premium rate given by marketing or the underwriters to the Client ( the Insured ).

Roni Tulus Priyanto - Personal Name
TA 222 Ron
Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Asuransi Trisakti
xiv, 54 hlm; 21 cm