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Proses Penyelesaian Akses Klaim Asuransi Kesehatan PT Tugu Pratama Indonesia

Employees are one of the most important assets for the company to achieve its goal. Peace of life is a desire of every human being, including employees. Labor productivity will decrease in case of misfortune such as accidents, illness, disability or death in which the incident occurred and the time can not be predicted. On the other hand, the costs to cope with the misfortune, is increasingly rising. If it is not well prepared, it certainly can affect the performance of the employees, which in turn will affect the company’s productivity.

According to that fact health insurance is the best answer to fulfill the need of protection of the most important assets for the company. The development of insurance bussines in Indonesia is growing in accordance to the need of the society for time to time, with the health insurance program worked out not only by the government but also by the private company, in this case is PT TUGU PRATAMA INDONESIA it promoted the growth of economy in Indonesia and broadens up the important role of health insurance in Indonesia. That’s why the author decided to write about health insurance in PT TUGU PRATAMA INDONESIA especially about the settlement of excess charge claim.

This research is aimed at studying the settlement of excess claim charge process in PT TUGU PRATAMA INDONESIA and also to find out the problem and the efforts made in handling the excess charge claim

Observasing Method is used to found out the settlement of excess claim charge process in periode of work that the authors did in PT TUGU PRATAMA INDONESIA.

Apri Meli Ariani - Personal Name
TA 223 APR p
Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Asuransi Trisakti
xv, 59 hlm; 21 cm