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Pemasaran Produk Asuransi Kesehatan Kumpulan Medi+ PT Asuransi Central Asia
Risks such as sickness, accident and even death could happen to anyone else’s life. In accordance to that we have to reduce the risk by joining a medical insurance program. The needs of medical insurance are increased nowadays, due to that many of insurance companies are involved to assist the market’s demand. Every company has their own way to apply their marketing strategic to reach its goals.
Based on the above background, the objective of this field practice’s report is to explain the detail step of marketing department in offering a group health insurance product a long with all related parties which involved in those marketing process.
This field practice’s report is writes based on the data which collected during the field practice training in the insurance company.
The collected data is analyzed with qualitative method and resulting deductive conclusion as the answer of the researched problem.
As a conclusion of this field practice training, there are several parties that involved and related to the marketing process which is brokers and agents. Those parties are called as intermediaries and works as a bridge between insurance company and clients. Not only to help insurance company in offering medical insurance to clients, those parties are also helps client with administration process during policy cover. Though, brokers’ role is more dominate than agents in group health insurance marketing process.
Senna Ferian - Personal Name
TA 201 SEN p
Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Asuransi Trisakti
xiii; 52 hlm