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Analisis Kebijakan Penempatan Reasuransi Fakultatif atas Penutupan Asuransi Harta Benda (Kebakaran) di PT Bosowa Asuransi
This research describes the analysis of the placement of Facultative Reinsurance Policy for the closure of Insurance Property (Fire), which contains several aspects to the placement of facultative reinsurance between Insurance Company and Reinsurance Company. The purpose of this study to determine the placement of facultative reinsurance policies between PT Bosowa Insurance and Reinsurance Company to process and problems were found in the placement of facultative. Researchers conducted the study at PT Bosowa Insurance Underwriting Division, Global Tower 2rd Floor, J1. Jend . Gatot Subroto Kay. 27 Jakarta. In this case the division Acceptances and Facultative as a reference in the analysis. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative methods of data collection through the example of data, observation, and literature study. From the results, it can be concluded that the policy is carried out for facultative placement of exclusion, occupational code, Class Construction and aggregate exposure. By paying attention to these things that can be done acceptances in accordance with the provisions of Bosowa insurance company.
Adrianto - Personal Name
SK 462 ADR a
Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Asuransi Trisakti
xiii; 108 hlm