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Proses Underwriting Asuransi Alat Berat (Heavy Equipment) di PT Asuransi Dayin Mitra, TBK
This Report of Working practice is created to provided the information about underwriting process of heavy equipment insurance in Miscellaneous Underwriting Division at PT Asuransi Dayin Mitra, Tbk.
The method of finding issues are with direct observating and practice while working as underwriter at PT Asuransi Dayin Mitra, Tbk. Some things were founded while I practiced. I got to know about underwriters job as risk analyser, the acception process of heavy equipment insurance, the factors that determinant terms and conditions process of heavy equipment insurance policy and why the business can get rejected by underwriting committee. Moreover, there is some obstacles on that process to, such as the acceptance from that not filled completely or the less data and documents. And I have some recommendations for the obstacles above with the purpose to make the work process can run more effectively and better. With a focus on customer’s satisfaction as the main goal of the company, those obstacles have to be handled quickly and accurately.
When underwriting process ends, then policy is ready to made with terms and conditions that have been determined by underwriter.
Novi Febrianti - Personal Name
TA 240 NOV p
Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Asuransi Trisakti
xv, 35 hlm; 21 cm