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Analisis Metode Treaty Proportional antara PT Asuransi ABC dengan PT Tugu Reasuransi Indonesia
Reinsurance company as risk dissemination place from insurance company assessed very mean. Insurance company can reinsuring risk which he hold up to reinsurance company. For reinsurance company, this matter represent a advantage because reinsurance company can get business from insurance company. But, insurance company surely will reinsuring risk which he hold up to reinsurance company assessed good enough. Reinsurance company also will seek a trusted partner. In this study will be analyzed is the method of proportional treaty.
In making of essay, direct writer do practice work in PT. Tugu Rasuransi Indonesia in shares of treaty administration. PT. Tugu Reasuransi Indonesia is established based on the certificate of Notary Raden Santoso, SH, No.8 dated April 2, 1987 and has been adjusted with the certificate of the Notary No.19 dated June 5, 1987 from the same notary. The adjustment of the esthablishment certificate has been approved by the Minister of Law of the Republic of Indonesia in the decree NO,C2- 4270-HT.01.01-TH/87 dated June 16, 1987 and announced in the State News of Republic of Indonesia No.71 dated September 4, 1987, SUPPLEMENT No.809. At the first establishment, Tugu Re was designated to exclusively serve Tugu Group insurance needs. But as the rapid growth of insurance industry in Indonesia has driven the Company to take the opportunity to expand their business scale and also to expand their service scope for other insurance companies.
Johan Anggara - Personal Name
SK 465 JOH a
Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Asuransi Trisakti
xiii; 92 hlm