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Pengaruh Pendapatan Premi dan Beban Klaim Terhadap Laba Rugi PT Asuransi Bringin Life Syariah
This thesis aims to (1) analyze the effect of premium revenue and claim expenses against the income of PT Asuransi BRingin Life Sharia (2) determine the influence of premium income and claims expenses to PT Asuransi BRingin Life Sharia. Premium revenues are funds collected from participants who have not shared in the reserve fund tabarru, investment and Ujroh. And claims expenses are cost which must be paid if the participant dies / pain. does have an influence on the company's net income.
This research is quantitative descriptive research design used is a case study with the object of research, namely PT Asuransi BRingin Life Sharia for a period of 3 months. While the types of data used in the form of secondary data sourced from PT Asuransi BRingin Life Sharia, the gross premium revenue data from internal financial reports while data on claims expense and income derived from financial statements that have been published. Analysis of the data in this study using data normality test, simple linear regression, multiple linear regression, the coefficient of determination, correlation coefficient, regression coefficient hypothesis test, t test and ANOVA.
The results showed that the variable premium receipt but not significant effect on earnings. While variable claims expenses significantly affect profit or loss. then simultaneously all independent variables significant influence, strong and direct to the profit and loss. The resulting figure of determination coefficient is 0.952, which means that the percentage contribution of the influence of the independent variables (premium income and claims expenses) to the dependent variable (profit and loss) amounted to 95.2% and 4.8% influenced by other variables. And the results of the correlation coefficient 0.976, which means that the relationship of the independent variables and the dependent variable is very strong and significant.
Lutfia Kumalasari - Personal Name
SK 488 LUT p
Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Asuransi Trisakti
xvi, 80 hlm; 21 cm