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Analisis Perbandingan Metode Indemnitas Murni Dengan Reinstatement Value Dalam Proses Underwriting dan Penyelesaian Klaim Asuransi Kebakaran di PT Asuransi Jasa Indonesia (PERSERO) Studi Kasus Polis No.402.
Risk is the most certain thing in life. The uncertain aspects of a risk consist of when, where, how often the occurrence happened nd how big the damage is from that risk. The most common method to control the risk is transferring the risk to the third party, in this case, insurers. As a company that provides insurance service for others, it means they not only concern about their risk but also the insured. An example of insurance company's risk is in the underwriting process and claim settlement.
This study focused on relations with the Underwriting Process Claims Settlement Insurance Policy Based Pure indemnity, Reinstatement Value, Adjustable in Fire Insurance PT. Asuransi Jasa Indonesia. This study focuses only on (1) one class of business ie fire insurance business class, business class have been selected to contribute the largest fire insurance on insurance premiums in the PT. Asuransi Jasa Indonesia, because the underwriter must explain third fire insurance policy based on pure indemnity, reinstatement value and adjustable. In order for the insured to understand the insurance policy in accordance with the insured risk and in the event of a claim the insured to know why their claims are accepted or rejected by the insurers and underwriters also have to explain how the completion of each of the insurance base. The purpose of this study to determine the relationship adalh underwriting process with the settlement claim indemnity insurance policy based on pure, reinstatement value and adjustable. Underwriters should provide insight to the insured to minimize its own risk if it happens in case of fire officers claim not need to pay large settlements, which could cause the company's loss ratios and improve underwriting results of fire insurance products decreased in 2013.
Okky Lolita Hutapea - Personal Name
SK 494 OKK
Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Asuransi Trisakti
xiv, 117 hlm; 21 cm