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Strategi Pemasaran Pada PT Bringin Life Syariah Kantor Pusat Jakarta

Marketing is one of the main activities that is undertaken by entrepreneurs in their business in order to survive and to thrive. Success or failure in achieving business is objectives, depending on their expertise in marketing, production of finance and other fields. It also depends on their ability to combine these functions or formulate the marketing strategy for organization can run smoothly. Writing method with qualitative data that is gotten by a research directly and Indirectly. Strategy of marketing is a way to achieve company's goal. SWOT analysis is systematic identification of possible factor to formulate company's strategy. This analysis is based on the logic that maximizes strength (Strength) and opportunity (Opportunity), but at the same time can minimize the weaknesses (Weakness) and threat (Threat). The author also uses analytical methods of EFAS (External Strategic Factor Analysis Summary), IFAS (Internal Strategic Factors Analysis Summary), including SWOT Matrix and Internal — External Matrix. From the analysis the matches (2,9:2,81) which indicated the company is at cell 5, cell growth which is using strategies for growth through horizontal integration which the concentration of the company's goal to expand the market, production, facility and internal technology development and externally through cooperation with other companies in the same industry.
Nining Nur Atika - Personal Name
SK 497 NIN s
Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Asuransi Trisakti
xiv, 98 hlm; 21 cm