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Analisis Kasus Malpraktek Tenaga Medis ditinjau dari Sudut Pandang Asuransi Tanggung Gugat PT Asuransi QBE Pool Indonesia

My thesis discusses about "Medical Malpractice Case Analysis is reviewed From Viewpoint Liability insurance of PT. QBE Insurance Pool Indonesia " is the result of research which has the objective to answer questions about the case of malpractice of medical personnel from the point of view of liability insurance. This research uses descriptive method with qualitative approach, the data which is used in this study of 10 cases of malpractice medic personnel and supported by in-depth interviews. From these results, the researcher concluded that the grounding / parameter is used to determine malpractice cases into the acts of negligance, error or omission in the form of the Law on Health Workers, Medical Practice, and the Code of Penal (Penal Code) or Standard Operating Procedures or Standards of Medical Care Services or Other Medical Care Guidelines issued by the Hospital can be applied to cases other malpractices.
The Suggestions from this research is necessary establishment of a discussion forum on a regular basis in order to make the perception associated with cases of malpractices and should be held for further research on this field from the standpoint of criminal and civil.

Siti Aminah - Personal Name
517 SIT a
517 SIT a
Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Asuransi Trisakti