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Pengaruh Premi Asuransi terhadap Premi Reasuransi untuk Treaty Propotional Lini Usaha Asuransi Harta Benda dengan Fokus pada Bisnis Korporasi di PT Bess Central Insurance
As a company engaged in risk transfer services, insurance receive a variety of risks that are transferred from the insured. one of the risks that could be transferred to the insurance is risk of fire. However, not all risks can be detained solely by insurance because it is too large. Therefore, the insurance company has the administrative process regarding the distribution of risk to the risk of fire called the fire reinsurance treaty. The process of distribution of insurance risk to reinsurance is treaty.
Treaty is a method of reinsurance contract which means the agreement between the insurer and the reinsurer. Treaty reinsurance placement is done through an agreement between the ceding company and the reinsurer based on terms and conditions mutually agreed upon previously, in this case the ceding company and the reinsurer shall be obliged to accept all the risks that are included in the agreement. The problems that exist in the treaty which is a problem for insurance companies include the premium and claim of insurance affect the premium and claim of reinsurance, one of a benefit of reinsurance treaty for providing capacity to support retention of insurance for accept the big risk from insured.
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522 EXS p
522 EXS p
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