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Peran Petugas Collection Dalam Penagihan Premi Asuransi Di PT Antara Intermediary Indonesia
Insurance Broker is a company that gives intermediary services in insurance
coverage and handling insurance compensation settlement by acting just the
interests of the insured. In every insurance broker company always have a
collection division. Collection is management receivable as a consequence of the
agreement financing receivable itself are assets existing companies and
widespread on the other hand (debtors).
Collection department should make a statement of account and frequently
collect payment from the insured, inform the insured if the premium late or not
paid due to term of payment the insurance policy will be cancelled, remind the
insured when the invoice is overdue so they can make an immediate payment
arrangement for the outstanding invoice, in form marketing to cancel insurance
policy if the insured still have no good faith to pay the insurance premiums,
provide best services to the insured, be friendly to the insured in collect the
premium outstanding.
Selvi Oktaviani - Personal Name
TA 251 SEL p
Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Asuransi Trisakti
xi, 43 hlm; 21cm