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Proses Penyelesaian Klaim Asuransi Kendaraan Bermotor Di PT Royal Conocean International
Settlement of claims for policyholders motor’s insurance in PT Royal Conocean International Adjustment by approved claims filed by the insured in accordance with the procedures specified by the PT Royal Conocean International Adjustment because not all claims will receive compensation. Compensation in the form of improved dibengkel, cash payments, and the replacement of parts or vehicles in accordance with the brand, type, model, and year of the same in accordance with the contents of the policy. Barriers and efforts PT Royal Conocean International Adjustment in settling claims for policyholders motor vehicle, the insurance company actually does not want to complicate and slow down the payment of compensation, if all requirements are met by the proposed insured, in case of delay in payment of claims that have been filed by the insured means the mistakes made by the insured relating to the content of the policy and lack of accessories documents claim. Efforts made by PT Royal Conocean International Adjustment provides assessment according to the value of the insured.
Hera Yukky - Personal Name
TA 259 HER p
Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Asuransi Trisakti
ix, 43 hlm; 21cm