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Analisis Strategi Pemasaran Pada Produk Asuransi Otomate Di Asuransi Central Asia Divisi Syariah

In this study, the authors raise an issue about what strategy of product
marketing undertaken by PT Asuransi Central Asia Syariah and how the of those
strategy due to premium income. The purpose of this analysis is to determine the
marketing strategy of product Otomate and to determine the effectiveness of the
marketing strategy of the product to the company’s premium income.

The study used a qualitative aproach. The object of this research is PT
Asuransi Central Asia Syariah. The type of research is a combination of library
research and field research to collect data in the field. Data Collection techniques
are research literature and field research. Data Analysis techniques is the
premium data on 2011-2015 over the last 5 years that will be analyzed and as
basic data of the effectiveness of the marketing strategy. The conclusion of this
study is Otomate products marketing strategy used by PT Asuransi Central Asia
Syariah has fairly effective in selling the products.

Ranti Wahyuning Dewi - Personal Name
TA 265 RAN a
Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Asuransi Trisakti
xv, 52 hlm; 21cm