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Proses Klaim Asuransi Kendaraan Bermotor (Partial Loss) Di PT KSK Insurance Indonesia

Risk is an uncertainty. risk can happen anytime and anywhere, the risk can
not be eliminated but can be anticipated by transferring a risk to the insurance
company. In the present there are various types of insurance coverage, as is
known there is property insurance, fire insurance, marine insurance and motor
insurance. along with the development of insurance business, especially motor
vehicle insurance must also create the potential for higher claims and insurance
companies to compete in speed and accuracy in handling claims is a service in the
insurance business. PT. KSK Insurance Indonesia is one of the Commercial
Insurance Company in Indonesia with specifically on General Insurance. One
type of product on General Insurance is Motor Vehicle Insurance. Motor Vehicle
Insurance is the type of insurance that provide cover of physical loss or damage
to the motor vehicle due to perils that mentioned on the policy. a growing number
of motor vehicle insurance coverage is directly proportional to the greater
number of claims incurred and make insurance companies compete in claims
service better and faster. motor vehicle insurance claim process corresponding
standard operational procedure will improve the image of both the insurance

Rini Nur'aeni - Personal Name
TA 271 RIN p
Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Asuransi Trisakti
xiv, 55 hlm; 21 cm