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Pengaruh Faktor Budaya, Sosial, Pribadi dan Psikologis Terhadap Keputusan Konsumen Dalam Menggunakan Produk Asuransi Mikro Personal Accident (PA) Pada PT Asuransi XYZ

Understanding of consumer behaviour is absolutely necessarry especially at insurance world that is so rapidly and quickly create higher intensity of competition, ad it became important for makerketer. This study aimed to determine wether cultural factors, social, personal, and psychology simultaneously affected to decision of using for insurance micro produt for personal accident in PT Asuransi XYZ. Population in this research are all insurance business of PT Asuransi XYZ. The sample were subjected to experiments as many as 60 respondents. As for the processing of the data were analyzed to test validly and reabilit usisng Alpha Cronbach formula with the help of computer program SPSS 22 for windows. Analysis techique used multiple linear regression analysis. From the analysis it was found that variabel factor of cultural, social, personal and psychological simultaneously together have a significant influence towards the decision of using for insurance micro produt for personal accident and cultural variabel has dominant influence of using for insurance micro produt for personal accident.
Remia Mahresa - Personal Name
SK 531 REM p
Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Asuransi Trisakti
xix, 101 hlm; 21cm