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Hubungan Kualitas Pelayanan Berdasarkan Waktu Antrian Berobat Dan Fasilitas Ruang Tunggu Pasien Kelas III Terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen BPJS Kesehatan Di RSUD Kota Bekasi

This study aims to determine whether there is a relationship between the quality of service, queuing time for treatment and waiting room facility class III at the General Hospital of the City of Bekasi can be measured with a dimension of direct evidence, awareness, responsiveness, reliability and guarantee affects customer satisfaction users BPJS Health in Bekasi City Hospital and analyze the most dominant factor in influencing customer satisfaction Hospital Kota Bekasi. The population in this study are patients Bekasi City Hospital outpatient and in-patient Mat were willing to be interviewed and filled out a questionnaire from investigators. Samples taken as many as 10 respondents by using the technique of accidental sampling, that is sampling technique based on chance, that is who happened to meet with the investigator can be sampled as it sees fit.
Based on the research results, obtained regression equation as follows:
Y = 35.132 + 0,314X1 + 0,164X2 + 0,031X3. Based on statistical data analysis, indicators in this study are valid and are reliable variables. In the classic assumption test, sequence individually on each of the most influential variable is the variable quality of service with a regression coefficient of 0.314, while the variable time queuing and waiting room facility influential class III low in this study. Of Regional General Hospital Kota Bekasi need to maintain the patient time and facilities received when the patient is within the scope of Bekasi City Hospital in value is not good, need to fix the things that are lacking.

Raissa Ramadhani - Personal Name
SK 539 RAI h
Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Asuransi Trisakti
xiii, 126 hlm; 21cm