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Proses Pengambilan Keputusan Program Reasuransi Treaty Propotional Untuk Class Of Business Engineering Pada PT Asuransi ABC

Reinsurance company is very important in insurance business especially for the additional capacity for the insurer. It is a risk dissemination place from insurance company assessed very mean. Insurance company can reinsuring risk which he hold up to reinsurance company. For reinsurance company, this matter represent an advantage because reinsurance company can get business from insurance company. But, insurance company surely will reinsuring risk which he hold up to reinsurance company assessed good enough. RehiSliraliCe company also will seek a trusted partner. In this study will be analyzed the method of proportional treaty especially how to determine treaty proportional program. In making this essay, direct writer do practice work in PT AS111%11151 ABC in shares of business development division and excavate the data from treaty division. The research method used hi this study was analyzed the treaty data and interview with the manager of treaty department. There are many things that can qt. ,ct the treaty capacity from the hisurer. The results showed a significant interaction between insurer and reinsured The lowest treaty result is in 2012 when the loss ratio from the business is 649%. Treaty result in 2015 was better than the years before, the loss ratio is 120%.
Eka Susilowati - Personal Name
SK 540 EKA p
Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Asuransi Trisakti
x, 116 hlm; 21cm