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Analisis Hubungan Antara Biaya Distribusi Pemasaran Pada Pendapatan Premi Di PT Jasindo Takaful Kantor Cabang Menteng Jakarta

Distribution marketing justified within just based on syariah principle is the distribution marketing honest , transparent , and explaining what the .In it there is no element lies and fraud both in terms of quantity or quality .At a side , marketing delivered shall relevant and properly although maybe will have no impact remarkable for sales because they did not exaggerated , but blessings .But on the other hand not justified marketing by submitting information containing a lie , let alone fraud .
This study attempts to describe the distribution of marketing strategy pt .Takaful jasindo in improving the sale of products business unit takaful .Hence the kind of research chosen namely research descriptive .This method used to obtain a general picture of or variables that were researched .With the approach of this research , writer take survey areas in pt .Jasindo Takaful
In this case writer take a sample 4 years from 2010 - 2014, because this is because the cost of distributing marketing issued by a corporation on 4 years increasing every year and this can to raise the income of the premium company. The proof demonstrable through analisis the coefficients kolerasi, regression and the hypothesis.

Adipa Adji Putra - Personal Name
SK 549 ADI a
Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Asuransi Trisakti
xv, 84 hlm; 21cm