Detail Cantuman Kembali



"book . . . provides the soundest, most complete information that I've ever seen regarding the actual nuts and bolts of starting, growing, and developing a business enterprise. It is eminently readable; the students will like it; and they will learn and benefit from it. It is simply the best book I've ever read on the subject of how to REALLY start a business and succeed in that business."

"Finally a textbook that takes students out of the classroom and into the real business world. This text follows the career changes today's businesspeople are experiencing. Careers are no longer limited to one job, but a lifetime of change--from employee, to manager, to small business owner, to selling the business and becoming a consultant."

"This text does take a fresh approach to a basic topic. The concept of the enterpriser and the fact that we are all enterprisers is unique. The use of examples from current business successes and failures helps add to the interest level of the chapters and to understanding the business planning process. It would be ideal for a first level entrepreneurship course."

"It integrates three level of analysis in a very novel manner while at the same time it incorporates the dynamic nature of business right from inception and growth to transition. This textbook moves from the conventional approach to entrepreneurship as a unique 'lifestyle' for a chosen few to a prospect of every individual being an entrepreneur/ enterpriser."

"This is the text for you if you want to give your students a realistic feel for starting and operating a business. The chapters do an excellent job of taking the students through the mental and physical steps necessary to start and manage a successful business enterprise and they do so in an interesting and straight-forward manner."
William B. Gartner - Personal Name
Marlene G. Bellamy - Personal Name
SR 658.42 WIL e
South-Western College Publishing
xxiii;566 hlm