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Proses Pemulihan Polis PRULink Assurance Account Di PT Prudential Life Assurance

Pt Prudential Life Assurance is a company in the field or financial services that has been registered and supervised by the finansial service authority (OJK). This institution was formed with the aim that all activities in the financial services sector are carried out regularly and transparently in the relizing a financial system that grows sustainably. One of its produck is the PRULink Asuance Account, a unit link product with periodic premiums and costumers can choose a combination of protection and investment needs in one polis. The eseach method includes library reaseach aimed at strengthening ideas. Interviewelated to field obsevations, documentation based on company operational standars and organizational structure. The policy recovery process at Pt Prudential Life Assurance has been effective and efficient, but there are still some findings and obstacles, the problem is the application system that often experience errors and slow network and IT changes that hinder the recovery process. The findings are a lack of completeness of data and an valid personal identity as well as a referral code that can’t be processed.
Sovia Nengsih Wulandari - Personal Name
TA 507 SOV p
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