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Proses Penerbitan Polis Asuransi Kendaraan Bermotor di PT Asuransi Central Asia Unit Syariah

The increased of motor vehicles in Indonesia is due to the needs of the society to support their activities. However, it also causes an increased risk due to the motor vehicles, so the vehicles owner needed risk protection that can be done in various ways, one of them is by transferring risk to an insurance company. Used insurance cover, the vehicles owner does not have to incured high costs to repair their vehicle in case of damage or loss due to the theft. Currently, many insurance companies offer Motor Vehicle Insurance products with various benefits like PT ACA Unit Syariah, which has Otomate as motor vehicle insurance product. To get insurance covered, one has to buy an insurance policy. The insurance policy is agreement between the insured and the insurer. Policies are issued by the underwriting technical division. Processing data from inputed to the system, printing, setting and transferring to the collection are systemized. Issued policy requires accuracy, especially about the supporting documents provided by the marketing, there are identity card, STNK, SPPKB, offering premium, vehicle picture, IOM and checker. Incomplete documents can hinder the issued policy process beyond the SOP by the company, PT ACA Unit Syariah. Thats why supporting documents must be provided as completely as possible before policy has been instruck to the technical division.
Septiani - Personal Name
TA 531 SEP p
Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Asuransi Trisakti