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Proses Pengajuan Asuransi Kesehatan Kumpulan Melalui Pialang Asuransi di PT Asuransi Jiwa XWZ
This study is a discussion of how the process of applying for group health insurance through an insurance broker. This paper was obtained from the practical experience of internship at PT Asuransi Jiwa XWZ, especially in Marketing Corporate – Broker Relation division as a new business admin for about 3 months. There were some findings and obstacles encountered during this work practice, but these things can be overcome properly. This paper was described about understanding group health insurance, insurance brokers, and about the process of applying for group health insurance through the insurance broker. There are several stages in that process, that is account registration, analysis of data from the broker, process of calculating the premium by the actuary, released the proposal, negotiating, until closing the account. The submission process is a long process, but this can be paid off when the customer decides to choose us as their insurance insurer.
Magfira Sulaeman - Personal Name
TA 553 MAG p
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