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Proses Klaim Asuransi Kredit Konsumtif di PT Asuransi Bangun Askrida

Consumer credit insurance is a protective mechanism designed to safeguard both creditors and debtors from the risks of default or non-payment in consumer credit transactions. This paper aims to provide an abstract overview of consumer credit insurance, including its significance in supporting financial market stability and consumer protection. This abstract will highlight several key points related to consumer credit insurance, including: 1. Background: Consumer credit insurance has evolved in response to the growing demand for consumer credit across various economic sectors. The provision of consumer credit, such as personal loans, credit cards, and unsecured loans, helps drive economic growth but also carries risks for both lenders and borrowers. 2. Functions and Benefits: The primary purpose of consumer credit insurance is to mitigate the risk of default by providing financial protection to creditors when borrowers encounter dif iculties in repaying their credit. This protection can take the form of partial or full reimbursement of the outstanding credit amount. 3. Advantages for Borrowers: Consumer credit insurance also of ers benefits to
borrowers by providing peace of mind and certainty in facing unforeseen financial circumstances, such as job loss, illness, or natural disasters. With credit insurance in place, borrowers can feel more confident in taking credit, knowing they are protected during emergencies. 4. Risk Management: Consumer credit insurance helps manage credit risks by spreading the risk of default among multiple parties. Insurance companies calculate premiums based on the assessed risk, thereby incentivizing lenders to minimize credit risk and ensure better credit quality. By providing protection for both parties, consumer credit insurance plays a crucial role in maintaining financial market stability and facilitating consumer access to credit. In the face of continuous challenges and changes in the financial industry, consumer credit insurance continues to adapt to meet consumer needs and expectations, of ering meaningful support for overall economic growth
Fanesca Yolanda - Personal Name
TA 575 FAN p
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